Friday, January 7, 2011

Immigration Project

The final piece to your project on Immigration is a letter written to me describing what you have learned about Immigration. The letter must be in a letter format and include a minimum of three paragraphs with the following information:

1. What you learned from this unit.
2. The vocabulary you learned.
3. What you liked or disliked about this unit or how this unit changed your thoughts on immigration.

The letter should be attached to all your immigration work with the Checklist on top with your name and date.

This is due, January 6th. Points will be deducted for lateness.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Holiday Tarea

Choose one of the following. This assignment is due Jan 6 and will be part of your Final Project.

Si eres un artista.

Design a movie poster for one of the movies we saw in class (30 days, Balseros, or Under the Same Moon). The poster should have the names of the main characters and a sentence in English which reflects the main idea of the movie.

Or, make a collage of images of immigration (i.e. border crossing signs, faces of immigrants, Dream Act supports, etc.) This can be the cover to your final project.

Si eres un journalista.

Interview a relative or friend who is an immigrant about his or her experience. Ask 10 questions which address the who, what, where, when, why and how of this person´s immigrant experience.

Si eres un escritor.

Write a review of one of the movies we saw in class. (30 days, Balseros, or Under the Same Moon.) Give a summary of the plot and summarize what you liked or disliked about the film and whether or not you would recommend it.

Si eres un técnico.

Design a Powerpoint slide show highlighting one of the movies or key points to the Dream Act.

Or, complete the Holiday Activity on